
  • "Partial difference sets with Denniston parameters and cyclotomy", James A. Davis, Sophie Huczynska, Laura Johnson and John Polhill, ArXiV preprint.

  • "New constructions for disjoint partial difference families and external partial difference families", S. Huczynska and L. Johnson, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, to appear.

  • "Internal and external partial difference families and cyclotomy", S.Huczynska and L. Johnson, Discrete Mathematics 346 (2023), no. 3, Paper No. 113295, 24 pp.

  • "A discussion of a cryptographical scheme based in F-critical sets of a Latin square", L.M. Johnson and S. Perkins, Mathematics 9(3) (2021), pp. 285-298.

  • "A census of critical sets based on non-trivial autotopisms of Latin squares of order up to five", R.M. Falcón, L.M. Johnson and S. Perkins, AIMS Mathematics 6(1) (2021), pp. 261-295.

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